Davidson Wildlife Services LLC
Purveyors of Professional Wildlife Management Services
in the Crested Butte and Gunnison area of Colorado and beyond
Business established in 1994 - 30 years and counting
We've been in the Gunnison Valley for 33 years!
We know it well and are well known in it
Thank you for choosing locally owned & operated businesses!
Keep scrolling down for info about all of our
DWS Characters
Photo by Fae Davidson
Crested Butte Mountain in Summer – taken from the deck of our home at the time
For a full view of this photo – scroll down to the bottom of this page.
Hello from
The Characters
Davidson Wildlife Services LLC
Trapper & Fae...
...on our Wedding Day in Crested Butte on
June 18, 1994.
...on Ohio Pass amongst the golden aspens with
The Castles in the background.
...on the shore of the Dead Sea in Israel
just after sundown – November 2011.
Trapper (Al) & Fae Davidson
The Owners
Trapper (Al) came to Crested Butte in 1991 as a horseback Outfitter Guide for Summer trips and Fall elk and deer hunting trips. He and Fae met in Crested Bute on October 31, 1992 – Fae's first night in town.
We married in Crested Butte on June 18, 1994 which was also Trapper's birthday.
Soon after our marriage we started Davidson Services to offer Wildlife Management services locally. But within a few months we also put together a nationwide catalog for our Trapper's Trap Line & Mountain Man Possibles business which included trapping and other supplies for use in contemporary Wildlife Management as well as Mountain Man Rendezvous reenactment supplies. After doing 11,000 miles of travel in 1996 and then more of that in 1997 to go to various conventions and rendezvous, we decided we'd done enough of that work and travel. We also decided that keeping such a large inventory of products for it all was more than we wanted to handle so we scaled back to wildlife management locally as our primary business.
In 2013 we converted our Wildlife Management business of Davidson Services to an LLC, expanded the name to Davidson Wildlife Services LLC and merged the sale of a limited offering of trapping supplies, tanned fur and various Mountain Man Rendezvous products into it. Please see our Trading Post page for more about how to purchase any of our products.
Clementine & Bridger
The Canine Resources Department
Why are there Basset Hounds on our signs?
These Basset Hound characters have been with us for many years and have been outstanding as our Canine Resources Department – excellent PR in an extremely dog friendly area. They have happily traveled in our business vehicles and provided countless chuckles to Customers and friends who have met them along the way. They have done well as our Public Relations team – Paw Pals for Life.
The Bassets draw attention to the signs and then folks read what we do on there. Many have been the times that we have returned to our truck in a parking place somewhere and have found someone perusing these signs and laughing at the Bassets. We were often able to say, "Would you like to meet the real thing?" and then open the back door to introduce them to Clementine and Bridger in person (rather, in canine). These signs have also done much to express the notion that trappers care about animals too and have helped to counter many mistaken impressions out there in the public concern. It has been an outstanding marketing approach for us.
Bridger and Clementine were designated as our Canine Resources Department one night in 2012 when Fae was working on the computer to design the signs and Trapper was watching the news on TV. While Fae was contemplating "we need to call them something" to put with their names in the upper right-hand corner, she heard a reference on the TV news to some company's "Human Resources Department". "That's it!", she thought and typed it onto the sign design. Trapper enthusiastically agreed to the moniker.
Even though they had to depart on June 8 and August 9, 2019 (very sad days in our lives) they are still our Canine Resources Department in absentia. Clementine was 13 and Bridger was 16 years old so their lives with us were long and rich and filled with joy. They came to be well known around the area along with us and were even featured in a story in the Crested Butte News on October 11, 2019. Although these dogs are gone we're doggone happy about all the years we thoroughly enjoyed them being a big part of our lives. And they'll never be gone from our hearts.
We plan to keep these signs on our business truck in their honor and memory and because they are so well recognized. Over the years many folks have told us, "We see your truck with those Basset Hounds on it everywhere!" That's because our jobs are all over the valley and we are constantly on the move to get to them.
Although Bridger & Clementine will always be treasured in our hearts...
scroll down below their photos to meet
The NEW Canine Resources Department as of January 8, 2021
The NEW Canine Resources Department
Crockett & Liberty
who came to share life with Trapper & Fae Davidson on January 8, 2021.
We The People in our home...
have been endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights...
and critters...
that among these are Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of...Crockett
Brother and Sister – Born November 19, 2020
They'll be growing up soon and their howls will get deeper.
In the meantime, we're enjoying their puppy world with them.
We're also enjoying showing them off to customers and friends all over the Gunnison Valley.
Crockett is proud to protect Liberty.....................................and loves Liberty Crockett and Liberty's first day on the job out in the (sorta) wild with Trapper –
as the new Davidson Wildlife Services Canine Resources Department
We're gonna live up to our job description that's on the sign in Trapper's lap with us:
"Protected by Basset Hound Security System"
when our barks and howls get bigger.
Life's good in front of the fire – especially after potty breaks in the snowy dog yard.